With Ajax, you can ensure that the user doesn't have to watch the entire page reload when a new page of data is being fetched, but instead just replace part of the page with the new set of data. 使用Ajax,您可以确保当一个新数据页面正在被提取时,用户不必观看整个页面重载,而是只使用新数据集替代部分页面。
Updates each page of the block so that it appears empty ( the physical data remains, but their slot directory entries are set to deleted) 更新块中的每个页,使之看上去为空(物理数据仍然在,但是它们的slot目录项被设为已删除)。
Add the varValidCodesRootBean in the page data to be a JSF managed bean and set the scope as application. 在页数据中添加varValidCodesRootBean使其成为受JSF管理的bean,并设置范围为应用程序。
When in place, each request for a PHP-based page generates a data set viewable in KCacheGrind. 当就绪后,对基于PHP页面的每个请求都将生成可在KCacheGrind中查看的数据集。
When his team members view the page, they can see data on the default product Jeff set for the reports, but they can also pick any product from a list. 当他的团队成员查看该页时,会看到李明为报表设置的关于默认产品的数据,但是他们还可以从列表中选取任何产品。